We met up with George, Aggie, Sandy and Jim at the Nellis AFB annual air show. The base is just north of Las Vegas and as well as being the USAF Warfare Centre, Weapons School and base for 140 aircraft, it is home to the U.S. Air Force “Thunderbird” display team.

Showtime opens with a member of the Wings of Blue Parachute team dropping in.

Nellis based F-22 stealth aircraft in flight.
Virtually invisible to radar, it was much easier catching this 5th generation stealth plane on the ground!

A selection of training and historical aircraft took part in displays…

An F-86 and MIG-15 chased around the skies in a re-enactment of the dogfights that they took part in during the Korean War.

The “Red Bull Meteor” MIG-17 races against the Air Force Reserve jet car. The result was……….Red Bull by a nose.
Next up was the Patriot Display Team.

The privately sponsored group put on an impressive display……..

Including this little trick, where after flying vertically up, slowing to a stop, the pilot allows the plane to drop slightly before he roars off again.
From behind us they came and did an artistic starburst.
Stars of the show are the Thunderbirds.

From the 30 minute ground show with every choreographed step of the the pilots walking to their craft with support teams.

To an impressive start straight into a full loop from take off.
Along the runway and up……..

….over the top……..

………and back.

Flying vertically up in formation they did a Bomb-burst.
(a further member of the team flew straight up through the smoke trails as I struggled, and failed, to get in another shot!!).

In this manoeuvre the pilot balances the F-16 on the thrust from the jet and cruises along at an incredibly slow speed (maybe less than 50mph)….. I thought only Harriers could do this sort of thing!
Ground displays included modern craft………

Long servers (with very wrinkly fuselage skin)……..
and restored WW11 icons…….
P-51 “Mustang” with two colourful B-25 bombers.

………as well as the latest unmanned aircraft which are flying in Afghanistan, and in some cases piloted, via satellite, from the Creech AFB about 40 miles north of Las Vegas.
A thoroughly enjoyable day. The most memorable display for me, and not caught on camera, was the aircraft that from horizontal flight quickly turned to the vertical and climbed 3 miles in under half a minute and then resumed horizontal flight. Such power!